2011年5月19日 星期四

Favorite Author

My favorite author is Michael Crichton; I really enjoy his The State of Fear and Jurassic Park. His works always amaze me; his characters always surprise me and change my feeling toward action novels. Unfortunately he died by cancer and leaves us his legacies!

Biking Trip

There is two weeks that our grade went out for a biking trip around Taiwan, it was really fun. At first, many of us thought that we can't finish the trip, but everyone did it. I really miss the trip and the time that we riding the bike. I also miss the professional bikers that help us though the trip, I wish we can bike around island every year!

Favorite Book

My favorite book is Animal Farm, it is about animals rebel to get controll the farm. But the deeper meaning of the book is to reflect Russia during Stalin's age. It point out the problems from comunism and totalitarian state. It is my favoorite book because I like the way Goege Orwell critizes the situation in Russia.

2011年4月14日 星期四

Reflection HW 10

To me Asperger Syndrome kids are dangerous to our society because you never know what they are thinking about, they seem like violent and stupid. After I read the article, I now know that they fear us even more than I fear from them. They are not violent at all, just their clumsy movement which scares me. Before when I looks at an Asperger Syndrome kid, I will thank god that I am healthy and feel sorry for those kids. But now I understand that to be sorry better for them, I should something good to these kids like make friends with them.

2011年3月31日 星期四


The book Animal Farm, raelly shows well how people can live in lies and never figue out. The cahracters corresponding to people in Russian Revolution, the story even relation with it. The story is more easy compare to 1984 which I read it in the last semester. Animal Farm is more concentrate on the plots of the story, but 1984 looks inside the society and talks more about the dark side of the society.

After reading a article One Houndred Years of Multitde, I thinks about moving to other countries.


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